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SKE (STACKIT Kubernetes Engine)


The following pre-requisites are required to deploy Scrumlr using SKE:

  • STACKIT Project
  • Service Account with a valid Token for the STACKIT API


Clone the Repository

Terminal window
git clone
Terminal window

Deploy SKE and Postgres Flex using Terraform

In order to gurantee the correct deployment of SKE and Postgres Flex, you can use our premade Terraform code.

Terminal window
cd terraform

You need to create a terraform.tfvars file with the following variables:

service_account_token = "YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN"
project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"

Now you can deploy SKE and Postgres Flex using Terraform.

Terminal window
terraform init
terraform apply

Deploy Scrumlr

Now that you have successfully deployed SKE and Postgres Flex, you can deploy Scrumlr. We have created a bash script which will bootstrap the deployment of Scrumlr. For this to work you need an active kubectl context. If you used the terraform code above, we recommend using kubecmfor managing your kubectl contexts. You can install kubecm from here.

Terminal window
cd ..
kubecm add -f terraform/kubeconfig.yaml

Switch to the external cluster context:

Terminal window
# Make sure to select the external cluster context
kubecm sw

Now you can deploy Scrumlr using the following command:

Terminal window
./ <DB_URL>

Make sure to replace <DB_URL> with the URL of your Postgres Flex instance. You can view the url by running the following command:

Terminal window
cat terrafrom/postgres_connection_url.txt

DNS Configuration

During Execution the script will ask you to enter the domain you want to use for Scrumlr. This requires a DNS entry pointing to the LoadBalancer IP of the Ingress Controller. You can either use your own DNS provider or use the STACKIT DNS service. STACKIT provides free DNS subdomains you can use. You need to create the following A records:

  • www.<your-domain> pointing to the LoadBalancer IP
  • <your-domain> pointing to the LoadBalancer IP After creating the necessary A record simply enter when prompted by the script and press enter.